Over the past few weeks I have been doing A LOT of vintage/thrift store shopping. I went to do some clothes shopping yesterday at the normal stores in the city and for the first time in ages I walked away almost empty handed.
I believe there are a couple of reasons for this
1. I have STACKED IT ON so things aren't fitting like they are supposed to =(
2. I have a curvy body type and that today's designers rarely accommodate for.
3. I am used to the quality of vintage clothing (they just don't make things like they used to) and I am not willing to part with obscene amounts of dosh for things that will fall apart after a few wears.
4. Things were cooler back in the olden days.
Anywho... I have decided to abandon regular shopping for a little while (other than the odd bit of ebay and $10 racks) and I thought I would take the time to celebrate some vintage stunners =)
Enjoy xx